CSS Emotion Library - Getting css props error when using css prop CSS Emotion Library - Getting css props error when using css prop reactjs reactjs

CSS Emotion Library - Getting css props error when using css prop

Just wanted to note I had this issue and adding this fixed the error for me:

/** @jsx jsx */import { jsx } from '@emotion/core';

Just to clarify, you have to add /** @jsx jsx */; at the top of the file.

As detailed in the Emotion documentation, use of the css prop requires you replace React with jsx as the target function for JSX elements (known as the “pragma”), which will enable Emotion to intercept the css prop and transform it into a className prop for React.

For example:

<p>Hi</p>// Becomes the following by default:React.createElement("p", {}, "Hi")// But with the `jsx` pragma, it becomes:jsx("p", {}, "Hi")

There are two outlined approaches to achieve this. You only need to select one. If you are able to configure Babel in your application, the first is the recommended approach, but either one works fine:

  1. Install a Babel plugin that will configure jsx as the default handler for all code in your app

    The most direct way to do this is by adding the relevant Babel preset to your Babel configuration like so:

    // Option 1A — Good// Add @emotion/babel-preset-css-prop to your dev dependencies, then// add the preset to your .babelrc configuration:{  "presets": ["@emotion/babel-preset-css-prop"]}

    If you are able to do this, though, I recommend instead configuring babel-plugin-emotion, which includes the css prop configuration as well other features like minification, dead code elimination, and hoisting:

    // Option 1B — Better// Add babel-plugin-emotion to your dev dependencies, then add// the plugin to your Babel configuration (e.g. .babelrc){  "plugins": ["emotion"]}
  2. Import the jsx function from Emotion and instruct Babel to use this imported function on a per-file basis using pragma

    /** @jsx jsx */import { jsx } from '@emotion/core'

You need to install this babel plugin, babel-preset-css-prop