Default query params not getting passed in axios request Default query params not getting passed in axios request reactjs reactjs

Default query params not getting passed in axios request

I solved it using 2 ways:

  1. Using default params and spreading them when using the request

    export const API_DEFAULT_PARAMS = {  part: 'part',  maxResults: 5,  key: 'key'}export default axios.create({  baseURL: 'http://somebigurlhere',});

    Then to use it:

    import api, { API_DEFAULT_PARAMS } from './place/where/previous/file/is';    ....api.get('/search', {   params: {    // spread the default params     ...API_DEFAULT_PARAMS,    // add your own parameters here     q: 'word',   }});
  2. Using interceptors as a user suggested here

    const instance = axios.create({  baseURL: 'http://somebigurlhere',}); instance.interceptors.request.use(config => {  config.params = {   // add your default ones   part: 'part',   maxResults: 5,   key: 'key',   // spread the request's params    ...config.params,  };  return config;});export default instance; 

    Then to use it

    import api from './place/where/previous/file/is';...api.get('/search', { params: {   q: 'word', }});

I like the interceptor approach more because it abstracts the default params to the instance file itself and you don't have to import and spread an object every time you use the instance.

Downgrade the Version of axios. it has some issues with latest version

npm install --save axios@0.18.1

Use should return a custom object like this

const custom = axios.create({    baseURL: 'http://somebigurlhere',    params: {        part: 'part',        maxResults: 5,        key: 'key'   }});

Then use the custom object to make request

custom.get('/search', {    params: {        q: 'word'    }});

Please try similar example in this codepen

Then you will see in the console, the query parameters are merged together in the request (blue line) as following imageenter image description here