Disable hydration / only partially hydrate a Next.js app Disable hydration / only partially hydrate a Next.js app reactjs reactjs

Disable hydration / only partially hydrate a Next.js app

You can do it with a hack:

<>  <StaticContent>    <h1>Hello World</h1>    <p>Lorem ipsum</p>  </StaticContent>  <DynamicComponent /></>

And the StaticContent component:

import { createElement, useRef, useState, useEffect } from 'react'function useStaticContent() {  const ref = useRef(null)  const [render, setRender] = useState(typeof window === 'undefined')  useEffect(() => {    // check if the innerHTML is empty as client side navigation    // need to render the component without server-side backup    const isEmpty = ref.current.innerHTML === ''    if (isEmpty) {      setRender(true)    }  }, [])  return [render, ref]}export default function StaticContent({ children, element = 'div', ...props }) {  const [render, ref] = useStaticContent()  // if we're in the server or a spa navigation, just render it  if (render) {    return createElement(element, {      ...props,      children,    })  }  // avoid re-render on the client  return createElement(element, {    ...props,    ref,    suppressHydrationWarning: true,    dangerouslySetInnerHTML: { __html: '' },  })}``