Django React with i18n Django React with i18n reactjs reactjs

Django React with i18n

I do not claim this is best practice but it works for me. Separating the frontend and backend a bit.

Think about it, what part translation is related to ? UI/UX right ?

Therefore, why have it on the backend, why not just have it in your react project ?

Steps: install i18next for react:

npm install react-i18next@legacy i18next --save

Notice, you will not get a > v9 but this tutorial :

is still valid,

step 1:create translation folder in your src folder like this:

 -src    -translations      -ar        transilationsAR.js      -en         transilationEN.js      - i18n.js   - App.js

The way I do it, is manually to insure amazing User experience.This code will turn any keywords From ENGLISH-ENGLISH to any

en_en= {"kw": "kw"}en_kw = []for kw in en_en:    en_kw.append(kw)# translate the list of english kw to desired language via google translatear_kw = """ [en_to_desired_langauge] """ar_kw = ar_kw.replace("،", ",")ar_kw = eval(ar_kw)en_ar = dict()for i in range(0, len(ar_kw)):    en_ar[en_kw[i]] = ar_kw[i]# en_ar key words are in en_ar variable.

transilationEN.js : Here we will have for example ENGLISH-ENGLISH keywords dictionary,there are some tools help you fetch all key words, phrases from your website.

export const TRANSLATIONS_EN = {  'Hello': 'Hello',}

transilationAR.js, here we have new dictionary out of data preprocessing.

export const TRANSLATIONS_AR = {  'Hello': 'مرحبا',}


npm install --save i18next-browser-languagedetector


import i18n from "i18next";import { initReactI18next } from "react-i18next";import LanguageDetector from "i18next-browser-languagedetector";import {TRANSLATIONS_AR } from "./ar/translationsAR";import { TRANSLATIONS_EN } from "./en/translationsEN";// the translations// (tip move them in a JSON file and import them)const resources = {  en: {    translation: TRANSLATIONS_EN  },  ar: {    translation: TRANSLATIONS_AR  },};i18n  .use(initReactI18next)   .use(LanguageDetector)  .init({    resources,    lng:[ "en", 'ar'],    keySeparator: false,     interpolation: {      escapeValue: false     },    react: {      useSuspense: false    }  });export default i18n;


import React, { Component } from "react";import { withTranslation } from 'react-i18next';import i18n from "./translations/i18n";class App extends Component {    handleChangeLangToAR = () => {      i18n.changeLanguage("ar")  };  handleChangeLangToEN = () => {    i18n.changeLanguage("en")  };  render() {    return (        <SomeComponent              {...this.props}              handleChangeLangToAR={() => this.handleChangeLangToAR()}              handleChangeLangToEN={ () => this.handleChangeLangToEN()}              />      );  }}export default (withTranslation()(App));

now in someComponent.js we have acess to t() via props, which can be use to translate any keywords, phrases on our website.


import React from "react";class someComponent extends React.Component {   render() {      const { handleChangeLangToEN, handleChangeLangToAR, t} = this.props;      return (                  <h1>{t('Hello')}</h1>)}};export default someComponent();

handleChangeLangToEN: can be set to onClick on a button to switch site language to English.

handleChangeLangToAR : can be set to onClick a button to switch site language to Arabic.

Both sould be in layout component, so we do not have to pass them every where in our project.

for example:

<Button OnClick={ () => handleChangeLangToEN }> English </Button>

Or if we have another component we want to translate, simply we export the component with WithTranslation , then we have access to t():


import React from "react";import { withTranslation } from 'react-i18next';class anotherComponent extends React.Component {   render() {      const {t} = this.props;      return (                  <h1>{t('Hello')}</h1>)}};export default (withTransilation()anotherComponent)

if you are connecting your props using redux store an still would like to use withTransilation(), do not get confused, you do it like this.

const mapStateToProps = state => {  return {    isAuthenticated: state.auth.token !== null  };};const mapDispatchToProps = dispatch => {  return {    onTryAutoSignup: () => dispatch(actions.authCheckState())  };};export default connect(  mapStateToProps,  mapDispatchToProps,)(withTranslation()(App));'''