Dynamic Opacity not changing when component rerenders in react native Dynamic Opacity not changing when component rerenders in react native reactjs reactjs

Dynamic Opacity not changing when component rerenders in react native

not sure if it's a bug on the TouchableOpacity component, but the opacity won't update on a re-render until the component is clicked

to fix your problem just wrap the content of the touchable in a View and apply the opacity to the view instead of the touchable

export default function Button({text, onPress, style, disabled, textStyle}) {    const opacity = disabled === true ? 0.5 : 1    // console.log('opacity', opacity)    return (        <TouchableOpacity onPress={onPress} disabled={disabled}           style={[defaultStyles.button, style]}>          <View style={{opacity}}>            <Text style={[defaultStyles.text, textStyle]}>{text}</Text>          </View>        </TouchableOpacity>    )}

In my opinion correct solution is to use setOpacityTo method.

In your render:

render() {  const opacityValue = this.props.disabled ? 0.5 : 1;  return (    <TouchableOpacity style={{ opacity: opacityValue }} ref={(btn) => { this.btn = btn; }} onPress={this.onPress}>      <Text>{this.props.text}</Text>    </TouchableOpacity>  );}

And next you can use setOpacityTo method in componentDidUpdate on disabled props change:

  componentDidUpdate(prevProps) {    const { disabled } = this.props;    if (disabled !== prevProps.disabled) {      const opacityValue = disabled ? 0.5 : 1;      this.btn.setOpacityTo(opacityValue);    }  }

If you are using React Native version 0.63 onwards then Pressable is more elegant solution to go with and its Opacity change works as expected.

<Pressable    style={{       opacity: item.isSelected ? 0.5 : 1    }}>       //Your button content goes here</Pressable>