Error "error Couldn't find package "XXX" when building project on CI pipeline and when trying to add packages via Yarn Error "error Couldn't find package "XXX" when building project on CI pipeline and when trying to add packages via Yarn reactjs reactjs

Error "error Couldn't find package "XXX" when building project on CI pipeline and when trying to add packages via Yarn

I was able to fix installing the missing package manually:

sudo npm i git:// npm install

It seems the issue has been addressed and fixed already but here are some viable solutions found to other answers and our own research in case this happens again:

1) Add 3d-view to yarn.lock before installing it and adding Plotly.js or any other packages:

    "3d-view@^2.0.0":  version "2.0.0"  resolved ""  integrity sha1-gxrpQtdQjFCAHj4G+v4ejFdOF74=  dependencies:    matrix-camera-controller "^2.1.1"    orbit-camera-controller "^4.0.0"    turntable-camera-controller "^3.0.0"

2) Manually install the package with a registry added:

yarn add 3d-view@2.0.0 --registry

Thanks to the user masseyb

npm i git://

Thanks to the user Diogo Falcão