Extend material-ui component in typescript Extend material-ui component in typescript reactjs reactjs

Extend material-ui component in typescript

You can simply use ButtonProps and extend it and add your custom properties along with speading all the rest properties.

The custom Button component

import {  Button as MuiButton,  ButtonProps,  makeStyles} from "@material-ui/core";interface IButtonProps extends ButtonProps {  fontSize?: "small" | "medium" | "large";}const useStyles = makeStyles({  small: {    fontSize: "0.7em"  },  medium: {    fontSize: "1.0em"  },  large: {    fontSize: "1.4em"  }});function Button({ fontSize = "medium", children, ...rest }: IButtonProps) {  const classes = useStyles();  return (    <MuiButton classes={{ label: classes[fontSize] }} {...rest}>      {children}    </MuiButton>  );}export default Button;

You'll have every prop of MUI Button to auto complete along with your custom props like fontSize:

<div className="buttons">  <Button    fontSize="small"    variant="contained"    onClick={() => console.log("small button")}  >    Small  </Button>  <Button    fontSize="medium"    variant="contained"    onClick={() => console.log("medium button")}  >    Medium  </Button>  <Button    fontSize="large"    variant="contained"    onClick={() => console.log("large button")}  >    Large  </Button></div>


Custom Props MUI Button

You can try the working example with full code completetion at this CodeSandBox React TS Demo App.

PS: If you use ESLint, don't forget to allow JSX Props Spreading by disabling the rule react/jsx-props-no-spreading.

/* eslint-disable react/jsx-props-no-spreading */

With Mui5 use

import React, { useState } from 'react';import { Button as MuiButton, ButtonProps } from '@mui/material';import { styled } from '@mui/material/styles';import { ITheme } from '../../mytheme';export interface IButton extends Omit<ButtonProps, 'size'> {  size?: 'small' | 'medium' | 'large' | 'huge';  theme?: ITheme;}const Button: React.FC<IButton> = styled(MuiButton, {  skipSx: true,  skipVariantsResolver: true,})<IButton>(({ theme }) => {  return {//..add your styleoverrides here! or use a theming only approach};});

Theming only without nesting MuiComponents follow https://mui.com/customization/theme-components/#adding-new-component-variants

declare module '@mui/material/Button' {  interface ButtonPropsVariantOverrides {   size: 'large' | 'small' | 'likemoon | 'whatsoever';  }} 
