Finding an object in array and taking values from that to present in a select list Finding an object in array and taking values from that to present in a select list reactjs reactjs

Finding an object in array and taking values from that to present in a select list

For the first part use find method:

function findArrayElementByTitle(array, title) {  return array.find((element) => {    return element.title === title;  })}

It will return the first array element for which the condition element.title === title holds true.

If you need to get all items from array which have title: 'Table 1', you can use .filter(Example)., if you need only first item where title: 'Table 1' you can use .find(Example)

var App = React.createClass({  columns: function(condition) {    return      .filter((e) => e.title === condition)      .map(e => e.columns)      .reduce((prev, current) => prev.concat(current), [])      .map((column, index) => <p key={ index }>{ }</p>)  },  render: function() {    const condition = 'Table 1';    return <div>{ this.columns( condition ) }</div>;  }});const data = [{  lookups: [],   rows: [{data: {a: 1, b: 2}}, {data: {a: 3, b: 4}}],   title: "Table 1",   columns: [{name: "a"}, {name: "b"}]}, {  lookups: [],  rows: [{data: {c: 5, d: 6}}, {data: {c: 7, d: 8}}],  title: "Table 2",  columns: [{name: "c"}, {name: "d"}]}, {  lookups: [],  rows: [],  title: "Table 1",  columns: [{name: "m"}, {name: "n"}]}];ReactDOM.render(  <App data={ data } />,  document.getElementById('container'));
<script src=""></script><script src=""></script><div id="container"></div>