Form in card body not visible with NativeBase Form in card body not visible with NativeBase reactjs reactjs

Form in card body not visible with NativeBase

Your Card Component is having flex direction column property by default, change it to row so that the form can be visible to you below your first card.


<Card style={{ flexDirection: 'row' }}>    <CardItem header style={{ backgroundColor: 'lightgray' }}>        <Right>            <Text>This is Right align text </Text>        </Right>        <Badge primary>            <Text>step 1</Text>        </Badge>    </CardItem>    <CardItem style={{ backgroundColor: 'red' }}>        <Body>            <Text style={{ color: 'red' }}>{this.state.error}</Text>            <Form style={{ alignSelf: 'stretch' }}>                <Item>                    <Label>number:</Label>                    <Input keyboardType="numeric" />                </Item>                <Item>                    <Label>date:</Label>                    <Input />                </Item>                <Item>                    <Label>number 2:</Label>                    <Input keyboardType="numeric" />                </Item>                <Item>                    <Label>date 2:</Label>                    <Input />                </Item>                <Button success block                >                    <Text>submit</Text>                    <Icon name='check' size={20} color="#FFFFFF" />                </Button>            </Form>        </Body>    </CardItem></Card>
