Handling api calls in Redux with Axios Handling api calls in Redux with Axios reactjs reactjs

Handling api calls in Redux with Axios

axios is the promise so you need to use then to get your result. You should request your api in a separate file and call your action when the result comes back.

 //WebAPIUtil.jsaxios.get('http://localhost:3000/flug')  .then(function(result){     YourAction.getAllFlights(result)  });

In your action file will be like this :

export function getAllFlights(request) {  console.log(request);  return {    type: FETCH_FLIGHT,    payload: request  };}

You can do this with thunk. https://github.com/gaearon/redux-thunk

You can dispatch an action in your then and it will update state when it gets a response from the axios call.

export function someFunction() {  return(dispatch) => {      axios.get(URL)        .then((response) => {dispatch(YourAction(response));})        .catch((response) => {return Promise.reject(response);});    };}