How can I add onKeyPress event to react material-ui textfield? How can I add onKeyPress event to react material-ui textfield? reactjs reactjs

How can I add onKeyPress event to react material-ui textfield?

onKeyPress is a synthetic Key event that React supports as mentioned here. Try this code:

 onKeyPress= {(e) => {            if (e.key === 'Enter') {              console.log('Enter key pressed');              // write your functionality here            }    }}

Maybe you should try onKeyUp instead of onKeyPress

<TextField    value={this.state.message}    autoFocus={true}    hintText='Type your message here'    onChange={this.onChangeMessage}    onKeyUp={(event) => {        if (event.ctrlKey && event.key== 'Enter')            this.sendMessage();    }}    multiLine={true}/>

You'd better use onKeyDown for this purpose. Here's the reason (link):

  • The onKeyDown event is triggered when the user presses a key.
  • The onKeyUp event is triggered when the user releases a key.
  • The onKeyPress event is actually an onKeyDown followed by an onKeyUp.

So, the code will be:

onKeyDown={(e) => {   if (e.key === "Enter") {      desiredFunction();   }}}