How do I dynamically import images in React? How do I dynamically import images in React? reactjs reactjs

How do I dynamically import images in React?

Adding .default will do the trick

<img src={require(`../../folder-path/${dynamic-filename}.png`).default} />


// All of these worksconst fileNameExt = 'foo.jpg'<img src={require('../images/' + fileNameExt)} /><img src={require(`../images/${fileNameExt}`)} />const fileName = 'foo'<img src={require('../images/' + fileName + '.jpg')} /><img src={require(`../images/${fileName}.jpg`)} />// These does not work:const myPathVariable1 = '../images/' + 'foo' + '.jpg'<img src={require(myPathVariable1)} />const myPathVariable2 = '../images/' + 'foo.jpg'<img src={require(myPathVariable2)} />

You can require dynamically with expression.

File names:

const imageList = ["img1", "img2", "img3", ... ]

And to render at UI (add directory path and the extension inside require):

{ => {    return <img src={require("../assets/images/" + img + ".jpg")} />  })}

Why it works?:

Webpack can understand this expression, by generating context about directory and extension, and can load all the matching modules.

Update your getImagePath function to return an img element.

const getImage = (image) => {   return <img src={require(`../assets/images/${image}.jpg`)} />}

Then your map function would look like this: => {   return getImage(img);});