How to allow only numbers in textbox and format as US mobile number format in react js? ex : (224) - 5623 -2365 How to allow only numbers in textbox and format as US mobile number format in react js? ex : (224) - 5623 -2365 reactjs reactjs

How to allow only numbers in textbox and format as US mobile number format in react js? ex : (224) - 5623 -2365

I have restricted the textbox to allow only numbers and formatted the mobile number as US mobile number format. Follow the below code.

handleChange(e) {    const onlyNums =[^0-9]/g, '');    if (onlyNums.length < 10) {        this.setState({ value: onlyNums });    } else if (onlyNums.length === 10) {        const number = onlyNums.replace(            /(\d{3})(\d{3})(\d{4})/,            '($1) $2-$3'        );        this.setState({ value: number });    }}

import Input from '@material-ui/core/Input';

Use <Input type="number" /> instead.

In case you are using a form-validation library like react-hook-form, you can validateyour Textfield like this,

<TextField     type="number"     {...register("phonenum",{         required: {             value: true,             message: 'Please fill this field',         },         pattern: {             value: /^[1-9]\d*(\d+)?$/i,             message: 'Please enter an integer',         },         min: {             value: 1,             message: 'Value should be atleast 1',         },   })}   error={errors?.index ? true : false}   helperText={errors?.index?.message}/>

In case, you want to input phone numbers only, I would highly recommend to consider using react-phone-input-2.