How to async await in react render function? How to async await in react render function? reactjs reactjs

How to async await in react render function?

You should always separate concerns like fetching data from concerns like displaying it. Here there's a parent component that fetches the data via AJAX and then conditionally renders a pure functional child component when the data comes in.

class ParentThatFetches extends React.Component {  constructor () {    this.state = {};  }  componentDidMount () {    fetch('/some/async/data')      .then(resp => resp.json())      .then(data => this.setState({data}));  }  render () {    { && (      <Child data={} />    )}  }}const Child = ({data}) => (  <tr>    {, i) => (<td key={i}>{x}</td>))}  </tr>);

I didn't actually run it so their may be some minor errors, and if your data records have unique ids you should use those for the key attribute instead of the array index, but you get the jist.


Same thing but simpler and shorter using hooks:

const ParentThatFetches = () => {  const [data, updateData] = useState();  useEffect(() => {    const getData = async () => {      const resp = await fetch('some/url');      const json = await resp.json()      updateData(json);    }    getData();  }, []);  return data && <Child data={data} />}