How to change background color of react native button How to change background color of react native button reactjs reactjs

How to change background color of react native button

Use this for adding the background color to the button in iOS:


  loginScreenButton:{    marginRight:40,    marginLeft:40,   marginTop:10,    paddingTop:10,    paddingBottom:10,    backgroundColor:'#1E6738',    borderRadius:10,    borderWidth: 1,    borderColor: '#fff'  },  loginText:{      color:'#fff',      textAlign:'center',      paddingLeft : 10,      paddingRight : 10  }


<TouchableOpacity          style={styles.loginScreenButton}          onPress={() => navigate('HomeScreen')}          underlayColor='#fff'>          <Text style={styles.loginText}>Login</Text> </TouchableOpacity>

enter image description here

For Android it simply works with Button color property only:

<Button  onPress={onPressAction}  title="Login"  color="#1E6738"  accessibilityLabel="Learn more about this button" />

I suggest to use React Native Elements package, which allow to insert styles throught buttonStyle property.


const styles = StyleSheet.create({   container: {      flex: 1   },   button: {      backgroundColor: '#00aeef',      borderColor: 'red',      borderWidth: 5,      borderRadius: 15          }})


render() {   return (      <View style={styles.container}>          <Button             buttonStyle={styles.button}             title="Example"             onPress={() => {}}/>      </View>   )}

Effect:Effect button

Expo Snack:

"color" property applies to background only if you're building for android.

Other than that I personally find it easier to manage custom buttons. That is create your own component named button and have it as a view with text. This way its way more manageable and you can import it as easy as Button.