How to get MobX Decorators to work with Create-React-App v2? How to get MobX Decorators to work with Create-React-App v2? reactjs reactjs

How to get MobX Decorators to work with Create-React-App v2?

Firstly, install dependencies:

yarn add react-app-rewired customize-cra @babel/plugin-proposal-decorators

Secondly, create config-overrides.js in root directory with following contents:

const {    addDecoratorsLegacy,    override,    disableEsLint} = require("customize-cra");module.exports = {    webpack: override(        addDecoratorsLegacy(),        disableEsLint()    )};

You should be able to use mobx + decorators now.

If you don't have mobx installed already, please run:yarn add mobx mobx-react.Now you can use decorators.

I had same issue and ended up with using mobx4 where Decorators can be used without decorator syntax.

class Store {  //...  @action empty() { = []  }  @action add(e) {  }}

can be rewritten as

class Store {      //...       empty() { = []      }      add(e) {      }    }decorate(Store, {  add: action,  empty: action})

You can use this feature out of the box from CRA2 and do not need to worry about transform decoracy plugin. Thanks Michel Weststrate for this stuff

Option 1: Using decorators with CRA v2

If you refer to Mobx documentation, you can get Mobx decorators to work with CRAv2 by using Typescript:

Decorators are only supported out of the box when using TypeScript in create-react-app@^2.1.1.

However, in some cases, you might still face issues when using Mobx with other react frameworks. In that case:

Option 2: Don't use decorators

A detailed step by step guide is documented here.

If you previously defined your observer react component as:

@observerexport default class MyComponent extends React.Component

Change it to:

const MyComponent = observer(class MyComponent extends React.Component{  /* ... */});export default MyComponent;

If you previously had:

@observable myElement = null;

You need to change it to:



decorate(MyComponent, {  myElement: observable,})

Hope this helps!