How to get React Table Row Data Onclick How to get React Table Row Data Onclick reactjs reactjs

How to get React Table Row Data Onclick

You will need to add an onClick handler for the row

const onRowClick = (state, rowInfo, column, instance) => {    return {        onClick: e => {            console.log('A Td Element was clicked!')            console.log('it produced this event:', e)            console.log('It was in this column:', column)            console.log('It was in this row:', rowInfo)            console.log('It was in this table instance:', instance)        }    }}<ReactTable columns={this.state.columns} data={this.state.posts} getTrProps={onRowClick}></ReactTable>

check this post for more info react-table component onClick event for a column

For React-table v7:

Pass a callback prop onRowClicked to the table component,

In your table component call the callback:

...row.getRowProps({         onClick: e => props.onRowClicked && props.onRowClicked(row, e),})

In react-table v7, all the spread operator on HTML element that startswith get...Props are props getter, for example:

row.getRowProps(), cell.getCellProps(), column.getHeaderProps(),getTableBodyProps(), getTableProps() etc.. You can pass any moreattributes to extend it. for example:

    ...cell.getCellProps({         style: {color: 'red'},          onClick: ()=> {}       }) 

In your Table definition :

export function TableCustom({handleShow}) {    const columns = React.useMemo(() => [{        Header: 'Action',        accessor: 'action',        Cell: props => <button className="btn1" onClick={() => handleShow(props)}>Details</button>,    },]    return <ReactTable>;});

And in your parent component : view the data of the clicked row :

const handleShow = (cell) => {    console.log(cell?.row?.original);}