How to get values/properties from a react-bootstrap checkbox? How to get values/properties from a react-bootstrap checkbox? reactjs reactjs

How to get values/properties from a react-bootstrap checkbox?

There are two ways: The React way and the not-so-React way.

The React way is to set the child component's state by passing it props and respond to changes in its state by attaching event handlers. In the case of Checkbox, that means setting the checked and onChange props.

Note in the below example how the parent component (App) keeps track of the Checkbox's state and can both set it with this.setState and query it with this.state.checkboxChecked.

const { Checkbox, Button } = ReactBootstrap;class App extends React.Component {  constructor() {    super();    this.state = { checkboxChecked: false };    this.handleChange = this.handleChange.bind(this);    this.handleIsItChecked = this.handleIsItChecked.bind(this);    this.handleToggle = this.handleToggle.bind(this);  }    render() {    return (      <div>        <Checkbox          checked={this.state.checkboxChecked}          onChange={this.handleChange} />        <Button type="button" onClick={this.handleToggle}>Toggle</Button>        <Button type="button" onClick={this.handleIsItChecked}>Is it checked?</Button>      </div>    );  }    handleChange(evt) {    this.setState({ checkboxChecked: });  }    handleIsItChecked() {    console.log(this.state.checkboxChecked ? 'Yes' : 'No');  }    handleToggle() {    this.setState({ checkboxChecked: !this.state.checkboxChecked });  }}ReactDOM.render(<App/>, document.querySelector('div'));
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