How to handle state of multiple buttons with react? How to handle state of multiple buttons with react? reactjs reactjs

How to handle state of multiple buttons with react?

I have created a simple example for you:

class App extends React.Component {    constructor() {        super();        this.onClick = this.onClick.bind(this);        this.state = {            arr: [                { name: "first", isActive: true },                { name: "second", isActive: true },                { name: "third", isActive: true },                { name: "fourth", isActive: true }            ]        };    }    onClick(index) {        let tmp = this.state.arr;        tmp[index].isActive = !tmp[index].isActive;        this.setState({ arr: tmp });    }    render() {        return (            <div>                {, index) =>                    <div key={index} onClick={() => this.onClick(index)}>                        name: {} / isActive: {el.isActive ? "true" : "false"}                    </div>                )}            </div>        );    }}

Check the fiddle and implement it in your case.

One more way to handle this is keeping the index of an active button in the state:

class App extends React.Component {state = {    users: [    { name: "John" },    { name: "Sarah" },    { name: "Siri" },    { name: "Jim" },    { name: "Simon" },  ],  activeIndex: 0,}render() {    const { users, activeIndex } = this.state;    return (      <div>        {, i) => (          <div            className={i === activeIndex ? 'active' : ''}            onClick={() => this.setState({ activeIndex: i })}            key={}          >            {}          </div>        ))}      </div>    )  }}