How to import bundle created in webpack? How to import bundle created in webpack? reactjs reactjs

How to import bundle created in webpack?

In order to do this you need to update your webpack config to output a bundle that can be exported.

Your config needs to have these lines

{    output: {        libraryTarget: 'umd', // make the bundle export        externals: {            'react': { // import react from an external module so you don't have multiple instances                'commonjs': 'react',                 'amd': 'react'             },            'react-dom': { // some versions of react had links to react-dom so its good to include this                'commonjs': 'react-dom',                'amd': 'react-dom'            }        }    }}

It is important to note that if you are using create-react-app for your project you will need to eject your subproject to change your config

This article helped me with creating an importable/exportable library that is bundled by webpack.

You need something like this in your webpack config file:

output: {    path: __dirname + '/lib',    filename: outputFile,    library: libraryName,    // very important line    libraryTarget: 'umd',    // very important line    umdNamedDefine: true     // very important line  },


import {Hello} from "./bundle.js";

You are not exporting Hello as default.

export {Hello} from "./src/Hello.jsx";