How to make React input onChange set state only after onChange stops firing for set time? How to make React input onChange set state only after onChange stops firing for set time? reactjs reactjs

How to make React input onChange set state only after onChange stops firing for set time?

You don't really need a ref to solve this. A call touseEffect should be enough:

useEffect(() => {  const timeout = setTimeout(() => {    setOutput(userValue);  }, 600);  return () => {    clearTimeout(timeout);  };}, [userValue]);const updateOutput = (e) => {  setUserValue(;};

You can try this way

const updateOutput = () => {setUserValue(inputRef.current.value);setTimeout(() => {setOutput(inputRef.current.value)}, 700) }

Hope this will help you.

This ought to do the trick. You'll want to use a ref to persist the debounced function across repaints:

const { useCallback, useState, useRef } = React;const { render } = ReactDOM;const { debounce } = _;function App() {  const [userValue, setUserValue] = useState(0);  const [output, setOutput] = useState(0);  const debounced = useRef(debounce((value) => setOutput(value), 600))  const updateUserValue = useCallback(({ target: { value }}) => {    setUserValue(value);    debounced.current(value)  }, []);  return (    <div className="App">      <div>        <h1>Input</h1>        <input          value={userValue}          type="number"          onChange={updateUserValue}        ></input>      </div>      <div>        <h1>Output</h1>        {output}      </div>    </div>  );}render(<App />, document.body);
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