How to notify parent component of property change when using react hooks? How to notify parent component of property change when using react hooks? reactjs reactjs

How to notify parent component of property change when using react hooks?

useEffect takes a second argument which denotes when to execute the effect. You can pass in the state value to it so that it executes when state updates. Also you can have multiple useEffect hooks in your code

const [propA, setPropA] = useState(props.propA);const [propB, setPropB] = useState(props.propB);useEffect(() => {   props.onChangePropA(propA); }, [propA]);useEffect(() => {   props.onChangePropB(propB); }, [propB]);<div>  <button onClick={e => {setPropA(}}>Prop A</button>  <button onClick={e => {setPropB(}}>Prop B</button></div>