How to pass state with parent to child component How to pass state with parent to child component reactjs reactjs

How to pass state with parent to child component

There is but it's not intended to work like that in React. 2-way data binding isn't the way to go in React, excerpt from the docs.

In React, data flows one way: from owner to child.

So what you want to do if you want to manipulate parent state in your child component is passing a listener.

//parent component's render functionreturn (   <Child listenerFromParent={this.doSomething} />)//child component's render functionreturn (  <div onClick={this.props.listenerFromParent}></div>)

You can use the limelights solution, ie passing a function from the parent to the child.

Or you can also use projects like React-Cursor which permits to easily manipulate state passed from a parent component in a child.

I have made my home made framework (Atom-React, some details here) that also use cursors (inspired by Om), and you can somehow achieve easily 2-way data binding with cursors permitting to manipulate the state managed by a parent component.

Here's an exemple usage:

<input type="text" valueLink={this.linkCursor(this.props.inputTextCursor)}/>

The inputTextCursor is a cursor passed from a parent to a child component, and thus the child can easily change the data of the parent seemlessly.

I don't know if other cursor-based React wrappers use this kind of trick but the linkCursor function is implemented very easily with a simple mixin:

var ReactLink = require("react/lib/ReactLink");var WithCursorLinkingMixin = {    linkCursor: function(cursor) {        return new ReactLink(            cursor.getOrElse(""),            function setCursorNewValue(value) {                cursor.set(value);            }        );    }};exports.WithCursorLinkingMixin = WithCursorLinkingMixin;

So you can easily port this behavior to React-Cursor