How to resize a material-ui button How to resize a material-ui button reactjs reactjs

How to resize a material-ui button

You could add max/min width/height style options.

For instance:

<Button style={{maxWidth: '30px', maxHeight: '30px', minWidth: '30px', minHeight: '30px'}}/>

In this case button always will look like a square and have a fix size (30px).

I assume you have a <Grid container> around the elements you posted. MUI Grids are designed to fill up the space and manage column widths. Seems like you probably need to restrict the outer <Grid container> to the total width you want the columns to span.

Also, note if you want to override all <Buttons>, do so in the theme...

createMuiTheme({  overrides: {    MuiButton: {      outlined: {        borderRadius: '0'      }    }  }})