How to show the only part of the image How to show the only part of the image reactjs reactjs

How to show the only part of the image

Here is a working example:

The idea is to have "cropped" View where Image is positioned inside it with custom dimensions. I use constants in my example to clarify the case.

<View style={styles.cropped}>  <Image    style={styles.image}    source={{uri: ''}} /></View>

And on styles:

  image: {    marginLeft: -OFFSET_LEFT,    marginTop: -OFFSET_TOP,    width: IMAGE_WIDTH,    height: IMAGE_HEIGHT,  },  cropped: {    width: 150,    height: 150,    overflow: 'hidden',    position: 'absolute',    left: OFFSET_LEFT,    top: OFFSET_TOP,  },

Note that ImageBackground is only for example purposes and it's not needed in the actual implementation.