How to switch cameras in PWA app built with reactjs? How to switch cameras in PWA app built with reactjs? reactjs reactjs

How to switch cameras in PWA app built with reactjs?

edit: to make the camera list enumerate on page load, you need to ask for permissions right away:

window.onload  = function(){         navigator.getUserMedia({audio:true,video:true}, function(stream) {            stream.getTracks().forEach(x=>x.stop());            getCamAndMics();          }, err=>console.log(err));<rest of app>}

I have built an app that enumerates through the cameras available, and then lets the user choose which camera to record with:

function getCamAndMics(){     // List cameras and microphones. in the menu            navigator.mediaDevices.enumerateDevices()     .then(function(devices) {         devices.forEach(function(device) {             console.log(device.kind + ": " + device.label +" id = " + device.deviceId);             var audioSelect = document.getElementById("audioPicker-select");             var cameraSelect = document.getElementById("cameraPicker-select");             if(device.kind=="audioinput"){                 //add a select to the audio dropdown list                 var option = document.createElement("option");                 option.value = device.deviceId;                 option.text = device.label;                 audioSelect.appendChild(option);             }else if(device.kind =="videoinput"){                 //add a select to the camera dropdown list                 var option = document.createElement("option");                 option.value = device.deviceId;                 option.text = device.label;                 cameraSelect.appendChild(option);             }         });     })     .catch(function(err) {         console.log( + ": " + err.message);     });}

Even while the recording is underway - if the user changes the value, the camera will switch. This is not only great on mobile (front & back cameras), but also for desktops that might have a few media devices connected.

I send the cameraId in the configuration to the getUserMedia:

  var videoOptions = {            deviceId: cameraId,            width: { min: 100, ideal: cameraW, max: 1920 },            height: { min: 100, ideal: cameraH, max: 1080 },            frameRate: {ideal: cameraFR}        };            cameraMediaOptions = {            audio: false,            video: videoOptions        };        cameraStream = await navigator.mediaDevices.getUserMedia(cameraMediaOptions);

Code is on Github:

Demo is live at

With this setup, I can livestream or record and upload the video to share on demand. (The backend is for VOD and live streaming)