How to test Websocket Client with Jest and react-testing-library How to test Websocket Client with Jest and react-testing-library reactjs reactjs

How to test Websocket Client with Jest and react-testing-library

I am not sure if this is the right way or not. But this works for me,

    global.sendMsg = null;    global.WebSocket = class extends WebSocket {        constructor(url) {            super("wss://test");            global.sendMsg = null        }            addEventListener(event, cb) {            if (event === "open") {                cb();            } else if(event === "message") {                global.sendMsg = cb;            }        }    };    test("testing message",() => {      render(<LiveChat />);      global.sendMsg({data:"test-msg"});       expect....    })

Basically, I overwrote the WebSocket class and stored the message event callback to a constant, and trigger it on the tests to imitate the server message.