Injecting react-intl object into mounted Enzyme components for testing Injecting react-intl object into mounted Enzyme components for testing reactjs reactjs

Injecting react-intl object into mounted Enzyme components for testing

I have created a helper functions to patch the existing Enzyme mount() and shallow() function. We are now using these helper methods in all our tests where we use React Intl components.

You can find the gist here:

For the sake of keeping data accessible, here's the code in a nutshell:


/** * Components using the react-intl module require access to the intl context. * This is not available when mounting single components in Enzyme. * These helper functions aim to address that and wrap a valid, * English-locale intl context around them. */import React from 'react';import { IntlProvider, intlShape } from 'react-intl';import { mount, shallow } from 'enzyme';const messages = require('../locales/en'); // en.jsonconst intlProvider = new IntlProvider({ locale: 'en', messages }, {});const { intl } = intlProvider.getChildContext();/** * When using React-Intl `injectIntl` on components, props.intl is required. */function nodeWithIntlProp(node) {  return React.cloneElement(node, { intl });}export default {  shallowWithIntl(node) {    return shallow(nodeWithIntlProp(node), { context: { intl } });  },  mountWithIntl(node) {    return mount(nodeWithIntlProp(node), {      context: { intl },      childContextTypes: { intl: intlShape }    });  }};


class CustomComponent extends Component {  state = {    foo: 'bar'  }  render() {    return (      <div>        <FormattedMessage id="world.hello" defaultMessage="Hello World!" />      </div>    );  }}


import { mountWithIntl } from 'helpers/intl-test';const wrapper = mountWithIntl(  <CustomComponent />);expect(wrapper.state('foo')).to.equal('bar'); // OKexpect(wrapper.text()).to.equal('Hello World!'); // OK