Karma and React, have warnings to cause errors Karma and React, have warnings to cause errors reactjs reactjs

Karma and React, have warnings to cause errors

You can replace the console.warn method with your own and throw when the message provided matches a certain pattern.

let warn = console.warn;console.warn = function(warning) {  if (/(Invalid prop|Failed propType)/.test(warning)) {    throw new Error(warning);  }  warn.apply(console, arguments);};

Small improvements to accepted answer: console.error instead of console.warn as spain-train mentioned, added 'Failed prop type' to regex, as only then it works with React 15.3.1, and made the code more strict eslint friendly.

const error = console.error;console.error = function(warning, ...args) {  if (/(Invalid prop|Failed prop type)/.test(warning)) {    throw new Error(warning);  }  error.apply(console, [warning, ...args]);};

2021 update:

const consoleError = console.error;console.error = function (...args) {  if (/(Invalid prop|Failed propType|Failed .+ type)/.test(args[0])) {    const errorMessage = args.reduce((p, c) => p.replace(/%s/, c));    throw new Error(errorMessage);  }  consoleError.apply(console, args);};

Failed prop type is now Failed %s type: %s%s. It uses string substitutions to write to console. Here is the code in React.