Material UI Autocomplete default value of empty string Material UI Autocomplete default value of empty string reactjs reactjs

Material UI Autocomplete default value of empty string

you can use null as initial state and that might achieve what you're trying

value={data.value || null}

if you set it to undefined it complains about controlled component, this way I don't get an error even after I use the Autocomplete

I solved it handling the case in which the input string is empty (you are not doing that). 3 things are needed in your Sandbox:

  1. line 17, inside the getOptionSelected, you must return true when the value is the empty string; in this way React selects one option and the warning disappears.
  2. line 14, modify the getOptionLabel, handling the case of the empty string. I would do the following:
getOptionLabel={option => option.title ? option.title : ''}

So in case the option has a title, it returns a title, otherwise it returns an empty string that is visualized.

  1. Finally, modify the onChange to handle the empty string, in this way
onChange={(e, selectedObject) => {    if (selectedObject !== null)        setValue(selectedObject)}}


import React from "react";import TextField from "@material-ui/core/TextField";import Autocomplete from "@material-ui/lab/Autocomplete";export default function FreeSoloCreateOption() {  const [value, setValue] = React.useState("");  return (    <Autocomplete      value={value}      id="empty-string-demo"      options={top100Films}      getOptionLabel={option => option.title ? option.title : ''}      getOptionSelected={(option, value) => {        //nothing that is put in here will cause the warning to go away        if (value === "") {          return true;        } else if (value === option) {          return true;        }      }}      onChange={(e, selectedObject) => {        if (selectedObject !== null)            setValue(selectedObject)      }}      renderOption={option => option.title}      style={{ width: 300 }}      renderInput={params => (        <TextField          {...params}          label="Default Value of Empty String"          variant="outlined"        />      )}    />  );}

One simple change is to filter the initial reset out

onChange={(event, newValue, reason) => {    if (reason === 'reset' && newValue === '') {        // Do nothing    }    else {        setValue(newValue);    }}}