Material-ui Autocomplete warning The value provided to Autocomplete is invalid Material-ui Autocomplete warning The value provided to Autocomplete is invalid reactjs reactjs

Material-ui Autocomplete warning The value provided to Autocomplete is invalid

Basically the reason why you get the warning is a default implementation of getOptionSelected in version 4.x.x:

 getOptionSelected = (option, value) => option === value

In your case, selecting a value the following comparison happens:

// option === value:{id:1, name:"test"} === {id:1, name:"test"} // false

Obviously, it can be true in some circumstances. In this particular case, it's false because of objects pointing to the different instances.

Solution! You have to overwrite getOptionSelected implementation:

<Autocomplete getOptionSelected={(option, value) => ===} ...otherProps/>

[Update]Note, in version 5.x.x the prop was renamed:

-  getOptionSelected={(option, value) => ===}+  isOptionEqualToValue={(option, value) => ===}

I think you should not use <form> to wrap AutoComplete component. You should set value for AutoComplete and use a function to handle on click button to submit.
Try this:

let Form = props => {  const [value, setValue] = useState({})    const handleOnSubmit = (value) => {    setValue(value)    ...  }  return(        <div>            <Autocomplete                id="combo-box-demo"                value={value}                options={[{id:1,name:"test"},{id:2, name:"test2"}]}                getOptionLabel={(option) =>}                style={{ width: 300 }}                renderInput={(params) => <TextField {...params} label="Combo box" variant="outlined" />}            />            <Button onClick={() => handleOnSubmit(value)}>Submit</Button>        </div>  )}