mobx + react unexpected token mobx + react unexpected token reactjs reactjs

mobx + react unexpected token

create-react-app does not support decorators (@). You could either eject create-react-app to add it yourself, set up your own environment from scratch, or use something like mobx-react-boilerplate as your starting point.

I have personally used react-app-rewired with the mobx extension with great success.

You are missing packages after running npm run eject (as create-react-app does not support decorators).

Run npm install --save-dev babel-plugin-transform-decorators-legacy babel-plugin-transform-class-properties

Then add the following Babel configuration to your package.json

"babel": {  "plugins": [    "transform-decorators-legacy"  ],  "presets": [    "react-app"  ]},

You could use the syntax provided that doesn't use decorators (here and here).

Here's an example using the App class code you provided:

import React, { Component } from 'react';import { action, extendObservable } from 'mobx'import {observer} from 'mobx-react';class App {  constructor() {    extendObservable(this, {      cake = [],    });   }}export default new App();