Mocking clientHeight and scrollHeight in React + Enzyme for test Mocking clientHeight and scrollHeight in React + Enzyme for test reactjs reactjs

Mocking clientHeight and scrollHeight in React + Enzyme for test

Jest spyOn can be used to mock getter and setter from version 22.1.0+. See jest docs

I used below code to mock implementation of document.documentElement.scrollHeight

const scrollHeightSpy = jest                    .spyOn(document.documentElement, 'scrollHeight', 'get')                    .mockImplementation(() => 100);

It returns 100 as scrollHeight value.

JSDOM doesn't do any actual rendering - it just simulates the DOM structure - so things like element dimensions aren't calculated as you might expect. If you grab dimensions via method calls there are ways to mock these within your test. For example:

 beforeEach(() => {    Element.prototype.getBoundingClientRect = jest.fn(() => {          return { width: 100, height: 10, top: 0, left: 0, bottom: 0, right: 0 };        });  });

This obviously won't work in your example. It may be possible to override these properties on the elements and mock changes to them; but I suspect that wouldn't lead to particularly meaningful/useful tests.

See also this thread

A simplified solution will only need to mock useRef or createRef since the component under test depends on the return value from useRef:

import { useRef } from 'react';jest.mock('react', () => ({  ...jest.requireActual('react'),  useRef: jest.fn(),}));test('test ref', () => {  useRef.mockReturnValue({    // insert required properties here  });  // do assertions as normal});