Module not found: Can't resolve '@emotion/react' Module not found: Can't resolve '@emotion/react' reactjs reactjs

Module not found: Can't resolve '@emotion/react'

I had a similar issue and I resolved it by calling:

npm install @emotion/react


yarn add @emotion/react

I had a similar issue and I resolved it by calling:

npm install @emotion/react npm install @emotion/styled


 yarn add @emotion/react yarn add @emotion/styled

if you use npm:

npm install  @emotion/react

if you use yarn:

yarn add @emotion/react

but in recent version they rename the package @emotion/core to @emotion/react, if you use other package that are depending on @emotion/core

  • that mean you need to hook up to source code and update import statement to the new @emotion/react

or downgrade package to older versions with npm

npm install @emotion/core@10.1.1

with yarn

yarn add @emotion/core@10.1.1