Moving react-draggable to side of screen? Moving react-draggable to side of screen? reactjs reactjs

Moving react-draggable to side of screen?

Implementing the assistive touch behavior in onStop handler sounds a good approach.

Please check my implementation and follow the comments:

const Draggable = ReactDraggableclass Example extends React.Component {  constructor(props) {    super(props)        this.state = { position: { x:0, y:0 }}  }  onStop(event, data) {    // Viewport (wrapper)    const documentElement = document.documentElement    const wrapperHeight = (window.innerHeight || documentElement.clientHeight)    const wrapperWidth = (window.innerWidth || documentElement.clientWidth)        // Draggable element center coordinates (x,y)    // Here we assume that the Draggable Button (from the question)    // is a rectangle. But we can easily change it with whatever     // figure we want and fine-tune the calculation.    // Credits:    const center = {       x: data.x + (data.node.clientWidth / 2),      y: data.y + (data.node.clientHeight / 2)    }        // The margin from the draggable's center,    // to the viewport sides (top, left, bottom, right)    const margin = {      top: center.y - 0,      left: center.x - 0,      bottom: wrapperHeight - center.y,      right: wrapperWidth - center.x    }        // When we get the nearest viewport side (below), then we can     // use these metrics to calculate the new draggable sticky `position`    const position = {      top: { y: 0, x: data.x },      left: { y: data.y, x: 0 },      bottom: { y: (wrapperHeight - data.node.clientHeight), x: data.x },      right:  { y: data.y, x: (wrapperWidth - data.node.clientWidth)}    }       // Knowing the draggable's margins to the viewport sides,    // now we can sort them out and get the smaller one.    // The smallest margin defines the nearest viewport side to draggable.    const sorted = Object.keys(margin).sort((a,b) => margin[a]-margin[b])    const nearestSide = sorted[0]        this.setState({ position: position[nearestSide] })  }  render() {    return <Draggable      position={this.state.position}      onStop={(event, data) => this.onStop(event, data)}      >       <div className='handle'>Drag</div>      </Draggable>  }}ReactDOM.render(  <Example />,  document.getElementById('container'))
body {   overflow-x: hidden;   overflow-y: hidden;  padding: 0;  margin: 0;}.handle {  width: 40px;  height: 40px;  line-height: 40px;  background-color: #2662c1;  color: #fff;  cursor: move;  text-align: center;}.handle:not(.react-draggable-dragging) {  -webkit-transition: -webkit-transform 0.5s ease-out; /* Safari */  transition: transform 0.5s ease-out;}
<script src=""></script><script src=""></script><script src=""></script><div id="container">    <!-- This element's contents will be replaced with your component. --></div>