Nested Drag and Drop with react-beautiful-dnd Nested Drag and Drop with react-beautiful-dnd reactjs reactjs

Nested Drag and Drop with react-beautiful-dnd

react-beautiful-dnd doesn't support nested drag-drop as of now and it's low priority item as per their roadmap. You need to handle everything on outer <DragDropContext onDragEnd={this.handleDragEnd}>. It doesn't give parent information by default in result object, so I have kept that information in child Droppable component. See the below demo if this works for you.


Edit: Refer below sandbox for a more generic code snippet where you will be able to apply nested drag-drop across parent container.


just give type to your outer and inner droppable, on drag end you have to check the type of your droppable,and reorder accordingly.

onDragEnd = ({ type, destination, source }) => {    if (source && destination && type) {        let parentId = source.droppableId;        let srcIndex = source.index;        let destIndex = destination.index;        if (type == "Inner") {            //method for reordering the order of the inner items            reorderInner(parentId, srcIndex, destIndex)        }        else if (type == "Outer") {            //method for reordering the order of parent items            reorderOuter(srcIndex,destIndex)        }    }};

I have also been through the same problem and I also used the react-beautiful-dnd but with many custom changes it works but not smoothly and then I have came to see another package named react-nestable and it works as i needed. I am putting a link for that package below - react-nestable npm