Nextjs How to map multiple routes to one page? Nextjs How to map multiple routes to one page? reactjs reactjs

Nextjs How to map multiple routes to one page?

You didn't specify your web server, so I will give an example using expressjs.

const app = next({ dev })app.prepare().then(() => {   const server = express();   server.get("/blog/:cat/:color", (req, res) => app.render(req, res, `/blog`));})

If you need to access the value in the page, you can use getInitialProps to get the value by accessing and req.params.color.

Another way is by passing the value directly when calling app.render function:

app.render(req, res, '/posts', { cat:, color: req.params.color })

Here is the example.

You can do this with Next's dynamic routers. Just create a folder for blog-posts and add a dynamic page under it like this:


Now on your [...slug].tsx will catch all paths, no matter in what depth. And you can catch the path params from the router's query -field. Try this with any path under /blog/**/* -path and it will list path elements:

const Blog = () => {  const {     query: { slug }   } = useRouter();   return (    <ul>      { => <li key={value}>{value}</li>)}    </ul>  );}