Node Error: resolve-url-loader: CSS error Node Error: resolve-url-loader: CSS error reactjs reactjs

Node Error: resolve-url-loader: CSS error

I had this same error. To fix this, I had to navigate to




and under var options change removeCR from "false" to "true".

Another option would be to configure the IDE or Editor for the End of Line Sequence type, change from CRLF to LF ... They are only alternatives ... try it.

enter image description here

well, the solution must be related to some package configuration or something. But I want to share the solution that I applied:

@import "variables";@import "colored-balls";@import "glowing-ball";@import "pixel-loader";@import "square-box";@import "circle-loader";@import "jumping-dots-loader";

Look for the file that cannot be resolved by the module in charge (Look for the error file). with ctrl + click ... and comment one by one until you see which of them you did not read, when you found them: you can, comment on them, Or delete them. They are preloaders, I did not need them.

/* @import "colored-balls"; */

/* @import "pixel-loader"; */