One project with multiple package.json files One project with multiple package.json files reactjs reactjs

One project with multiple package.json files

OK, so after some more research I stumbled upon Lerna which mostly allows me to do what I wanted (from what I've seen so far). It requires specific project tree setup, like this:

project_root/  node_modules/  packages/    components/ // Components shared between projects      components/       MyComponent.jsx      index.jsx  legacy/     output/      build.js // React 0.14 build     node_modules/     package.json // project specific dependencies     index.jsx // project specific entry     .babelrc  modern/     output/      build.js // React 16 build     node_modules/     package.json // project specific dependencies     index.jsx // project specific entry     .babelrc  package.json // contains devDependencies shared between projects  lerna.json  webpack.config.js  index.html

Then, in components/index.jsx I specified require commands for different versions based on global variable:

if(PROJECT_SRC == "legacy"){    React = require('../legacy/node_modules/react');    ReactDOM = require('../legacy/node_modules/react-dom');} else {    React = require('../modern/node_modules/react');    ReactDOM = require('../modern/node_modules/react-dom');}

Note: This is probably bad practice but the only way at the moment I could include different React versions in the build. I'll have to see what problems arise with this approach after the whole project changes to this model.

In webpack.config.js I configured two exports - one for modern and one for legacy. Each points to a different entry index.jsx file, uses webpack.DefinePlugin to set global variable to "legacy" or "modern", and specifies path to common components module to resolve: ['node_modules', path.resolve(__dirname, 'components')]

webpack.config for a single project output looks something like this:

{        entry: "./packages/legacy/index.jsx",        target: "web",         output:         {            filename: "build.js",            path: __dirname + "/packages/legacy/dist/",            libraryTarget: "var",            library: "lib_name"        },        devtool: "source-map",        resolve: {            extensions: [".js", ".jsx", ".json"],            modules: ['node_modules', path.resolve(__dirname, 'components')]        },        plugins: plugins_legacy,        module: {            loaders: [                {                    test: /\.jsx?$/,                    loader: "babel-loader",                    exclude: /node_modules/                }            ]        }      }

Feel free to comment or point to problems but I hope this will help somebody in the future! :)