Programmatically set value in material-ui Autocomplete TextField Programmatically set value in material-ui Autocomplete TextField reactjs reactjs

Programmatically set value in material-ui Autocomplete TextField

you can store desired value in state and pass it to auto complete component.

Import useState:

   import React, { useState } from 'react';

using useState:

   const [val,setVal]=useState({})

changin value on click of button

  const handleClick = () => {    setVal(top100Films[0]);//you pass any value from the array of top100Films   // set value in TextField from dropdown list };

and pass this value to component in render

 <Autocomplete   value={val}    options={top100Films}    getOptionLabel={option => option.title}    style={{ width: 300 }}    renderInput={params => (      <TextField        {...params}        label="Combo box"        variant="outlined"        fullWidth      />    )}  />

If you're here trying to test a change handler that is called from MUI's Autocomplete component:

In your setupTests.js file

import '@testing-library/jest-dom/extend-expect'document.createRange = () => ({  setStart: () => {},  setEnd: () => {},  commonAncestorContainer: {    nodeName: 'BODY',    ownerDocument: document  }})

In your test file:

import { render, fireEvent } from '@testing-library/react'...const { getByRole } = render(<MyComponentWithAutocomplete />)const autocomplete = getByRole('textbox')// click into the componentautocomplete.focus()// type "a"fireEvent.change(document.activeElement, { target: { value: 'a' } })// arrow down to first optionfireEvent.keyDown(document.activeElement, { key: 'ArrowDown' })// select elementfireEvent.keyDown(document.activeElement, { key: 'Enter' })expect(autocomplete.value).toEqual('Arkansas')expect(someChangeHandler).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1)

For more examples, check out the tests in the library

if you want to show the default selected value in input you must also set inputValue property and onInputChange event of the Autocompelete component

changes in state:

const [value, setValue] = useState("");const [inputValue, setInputValue] = useState("");

changes in handle click

const handleClick = () => {   setValue(top100Films[0]);   setInputValue(top100Films[0]);};

changes in autocompelete

 <Autocomplete    {...custom}    value={value}    inputValue={inputValue}    onChange={(event, newValue) => {      setValue(newValue);    }}    onInputChange={(event, newInputValue) => {      setInputValue(newInputValue);    }}    options={top100Films}    getOptionLabel={option => option.title}    renderInput={(params) => (      <TextField        {...input}        {...params}        variant="outlined"      />    )}  />