Property 'isLoading' does not exist on type 'IntrinsicAttributes & IntrinsicClassAttributes<FormInstance<{}, Partial<ConfigProps<{}, {}>> -Redux form Property 'isLoading' does not exist on type 'IntrinsicAttributes & IntrinsicClassAttributes<FormInstance<{}, Partial<ConfigProps<{}, {}>> -Redux form reactjs reactjs

Property 'isLoading' does not exist on type 'IntrinsicAttributes & IntrinsicClassAttributes<FormInstance<{}, Partial<ConfigProps<{}, {}>> -Redux form

Redux Form is a very efficient approach for form handling and validation in React + Redux environments. Here the issue you are having looks to be about missing props, and a few interface definitions. I have provided a sandbox at the end.

A solution could be to specify the form interface by yourself, something like this:

export interface FormInterface {  handleSubmit: PropTypes.func;   handleChange?: PropTypes.func;  reset?: PropTypes.func;  pristine?: PropTypes.bool;  submitting?: PropTypes.bool;  error?: PropTypes.bool;  invalid?: PropTypes.bool;  submitSucceeded?: PropTypes.bool;  submitFailed?: PropTypes.bool;  anyTouched?: PropTypes.bool;}

and use that to derive LoginProps from. Then typescript won't complain about missing props, which is apparently the way redux form works.

See this sandbox for details. I have gone over a few minor stuff for you, as well.

Hope this helps.