Proxy in package.json not affecting fetch request Proxy in package.json not affecting fetch request reactjs reactjs

Proxy in package.json not affecting fetch request

You can modify your fetch request API url to give the complete hostname since


also make sure that you have CORS enabled on your backend

In case your want to redirect through webpack, your can try devServer.proxy as

devServer: {     inline: true,     contentBase: './dist',     port: 3001,     proxy: { "/api/**": { target: 'http://localhost:3000', secure: false }  } }

I know I'm a little late to the game here, but I'll leave it here for future reference.

To make the devServer proxy work as expected, you need to specify the HTTP Accepts header to be something else than "text/html". Do this with the init-object that fetch accepts as the second argument. A simple example:

fetch("/api/profile",{    headers:{        "accepts":"application/json"    }}).then(res => {    console.log(res);    return res.json();}).then(json => console.log(json) ).catch( a => { console.log(a) });

The reason for this is that the WebPack Dev Server normally uses a context/namespace to differentiate between what to serve and what to forward. The create-react-app scripts do not extract a namespace from the proxy path in the package.json file. Instead the scripts has the opinionated default behaviour that any request using something else than HTTP GET will get forwarded. Also, anything using HTTP GET, but NOT text/html as the Accepts header will get forwarded.

The reasoning is because most React Apps are SPA (Single Page Applications) which use AJAX/Fetch to communicate with some API. API's normally use JSON or XML, but not text/html.

In the package.json

"proxy": {    "/api/users": {        "target": "http://localhost:3000"    }},