React.default.memo is not a function (React-Native) wrapWithConnect React.default.memo is not a function (React-Native) wrapWithConnect reactjs reactjs

React.default.memo is not a function (React-Native) wrapWithConnect

I had the same problem and I changed the version of react-redux to 6.0.1 instead of using a more recent one, and the issue was resolved.

Please change version by running following command:

npm install react-redux@6.0.1.

My project version is greater than 16.5.0 but I am unsure if this also has an impact or not.

Had this exact same error. Realised it's not due to syntax errors, but the react-redux version compabitility. Once I ran yarn check, it gave me multiple messages that "react-redux#react@^16.8.4 does not satisfy found match of react@16.5.0".

Expo is react 16.5.0 while react-redux expects react version 16.8.4 . As moi answered, installing react-redux 6.0.0 worked for me. Trying to change any other package caused even more errors to appear