React (Facebook): managed state of controlled checkboxes React (Facebook): managed state of controlled checkboxes reactjs reactjs

React (Facebook): managed state of controlled checkboxes

In your render function, the scope of this for the checks mapping function is different from render, which is the scope you need for __changeSelection, so this.__changeSelection won't locate a __changeSelection property. If you add a .bind(this) to the end of that mapping function, you can bind it's scope to the same this as render:

var checks = {    return (        <div>            <input type="checkbox" data-id={} checked={d.selected} onChange={this.__changeSelection} />            {}            <br />        </div>    );}.bind(this));

On a side note, I would just pass the id to the handler function instead of assigning data-attributes. This will remove the need to locate that element in your handler:

var checks = {    return (        <div>            <input type="checkbox" checked={d.selected} onChange={this.__changeSelection.bind(this,} />            {}            <br />        </div>    );}.bind(this));

Then update your __changeSelection function to pass in the id as the first arg and remove the attribute lookup line:

__changeSelection: function(id) {    var state = {        return {            id:,            selected: ( === id ? !d.selected : d.selected)        };    });    this.setState({ data: state });}

Here is an example of it all put together, along with a jsfiddle for you to try it out:

/** @jsx React.DOM */var Test = React.createClass({    getInitialState: function() {        return {            data: [                { id: 1, selected: false },                { id: 2, selected: false },                { id: 3, selected: false },                { id: 4, selected: false }            ]        };    },    render: function() {        var checks = {            return (                <div>                    <input type="checkbox" checked={d.selected} onChange={this.__changeSelection.bind(this,} />                    {}                    <br />                </div>            );        }.bind(this));        return (            <form>                <input type="checkbox" ref="globalSelector" onChange={this.__changeAllChecks} />Global selector                <br />                {checks}            </form>        );    },    __changeSelection: function(id) {        var state = {            return {                id:,                selected: ( === id ? !d.selected : d.selected)            };        });        this.setState({ data: state });    },    __changeAllChecks: function() {        var value = this.refs.globalSelector.getDOMNode().checked;        var state = {            return { id:, selected: value };        });        this.setState({ data: state });    }});React.renderComponent(<Test />, document.getElementById('content'));

If you are dealing with checkboxes you can use the checkedLink attribute. Here is another possible implementation, that makes the global checkbox controlled (instead of uncontrolled in the current answers):


var Test = React.createClass({    getInitialState: function() {        return {            globalCheckbox: false,            data: [                { id: 1, selected: false },                { id: 2, selected: false },                { id: 3, selected: false },                { id: 4, selected: false }            ]        };    },    changeCheckForId: function(id,bool) {        this.setState(            {            data: {                var newSelected = ( === id ? bool : d.selected);                return {id:, selected: newSelected};            }        )});    },    changeCheckForAll: function(bool) {        this.setState({                globalCheckbox: true,                data: {                    return {id:, selected: bool};                })        });    },    linkCheckbox: function(d) {      return {         value: d.selected,         requestChange: function(bool) { this.changeCheckForId(,bool); }.bind(this)      };    },    linkGlobalCheckbox: function() {      return {         value: this.state.globalCheckbox,         requestChange: function(bool) { this.changeCheckForAll(bool); }.bind(this)      };    },    render: function() {        var checks = {            return (                <div>                    <input key={} type="checkbox" checkedLink={this.linkCheckbox(d)} />                    {}                    <br />                </div>            );        }.bind(this));        return (            <form>                <input type="checkbox" checkedLink={this.linkGlobalCheckbox()} />Global selector                <br />                {checks}            </form>        );    },});

It is simpler to use checkedLink=this.linkState("checkboxValue") with LinkedStateMixin if the state to mutate is not deeply nested (like this is the case in this question)

Edit: checkedLink and valueLink are being deprecated but were recommmended in previous versions of React.