React - How to format phone number as user types React - How to format phone number as user types reactjs reactjs

React - How to format phone number as user types

You can normalize the input like so

  • the value is up-to-date in relation to
  • previousValue is what has already been validated and set to state

This is structured in a way to prevent invalid characters from updating the input and also limits the input to 10 numbers.

Click the button below for a working example.

const normalizeInput = (value, previousValue) => {  // return nothing if no value  if (!value) return value;   // only allows 0-9 inputs  const currentValue = value.replace(/[^\d]/g, '');  const cvLength = currentValue.length;   if (!previousValue || value.length > previousValue.length) {    // returns: "x", "xx", "xxx"    if (cvLength < 4) return currentValue;     // returns: "(xxx)", "(xxx) x", "(xxx) xx", "(xxx) xxx",    if (cvLength < 7) return `(${currentValue.slice(0, 3)}) ${currentValue.slice(3)}`;     // returns: "(xxx) xxx-", (xxx) xxx-x", "(xxx) xxx-xx", "(xxx) xxx-xxx", "(xxx) xxx-xxxx"    return `(${currentValue.slice(0, 3)}) ${currentValue.slice(3, 6)}-${currentValue.slice(6, 10)}`;   }};

const normalizeInput = (value, previousValue) => {  if (!value) return value;  const currentValue = value.replace(/[^\d]/g, '');  const cvLength = currentValue.length;    if (!previousValue || value.length > previousValue.length) {    if (cvLength < 4) return currentValue;    if (cvLength < 7) return `(${currentValue.slice(0, 3)}) ${currentValue.slice(3)}`;    return `(${currentValue.slice(0, 3)}) ${currentValue.slice(3, 6)}-${currentValue.slice(6, 10)}`;  }};const validateInput = value => {  let error = ""    if (!value) error = "Required!"  else if (value.length !== 14) error = "Invalid phone format. ex: (555) 555-5555";    return error;};    class Form extends React.Component {  constructor() {    super();        this.state = { phone: "", error: "" };    this.handleChange = this.handleChange.bind(this);    this.handleSubmit = this.handleSubmit.bind(this);    this.handleReset = this.handleReset.bind(this);  }    handleChange({ target: { value } }) {       this.setState(prevState=> ({ phone: normalizeInput(value, }));  };    handleSubmit(e) {    e.preventDefault();    const error = validateInput(;        this.setState({ error }, () => {       if(!error) {         setTimeout(() => {           alert(JSON.stringify(this.state, null, 4));         }, 300)       }    });  }    handleReset() {     this.setState({ phone: "", error: "" });  };    render() {    return(      <form className="form" onSubmit={this.handleSubmit}>        <div className="input-container">          <p className="label">Phone:</p>          <input            className="input"            type="text"            name="phone"            placeholder="(xxx) xxx-xxxx"            value={}            onChange={this.handleChange}          />          {this.state.error && <p className="error">{this.state.error}</p>}        </div>        <div className="btn-container">          <button              className="btn danger"             type="button"             onClick={this.handleReset}           >            Reset          </button>          <button className="btn primary" type="submit">Submit</button>        </div>      </form>    );  }}ReactDOM.render(  <Form />,  document.getElementById('root'));
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