React + i18next: Why aren't my nested keys working? React + i18next: Why aren't my nested keys working? reactjs reactjs

React + i18next: Why aren't my nested keys working?

while the answer to use "" etc is a valid usage, for my use case, I actually needed to use structured keys so that I can better structure my translations.

What made the nested values work for me was removing the keySeparator: false from the i18n.init function.

Code would be:

i18n.use(initReactI18next).init({  resources: {    en: {translation: EN},    fr: {translation: FR},  },  lng: 'en',  fallbackLng: 'en',  // keySeparator: false, // this was the line that I've had to remove to make it work  interpolation: {    escapeValue: false,  },});

and my JSON looks like:

{  "nested": {    "value": "Trying a nested value"  }}

my HTML (div in my react component):
