React-leaflet how to resetStyle React-leaflet how to resetStyle reactjs reactjs

React-leaflet how to resetStyle

The solution was to access the leafletElement of geojson which has resetStyle

resetHighlight(e) {    this.refs.geojson.leafletElement.resetStyle(;}

react-leaflet-choropleth is a way to handle choropleth if you are not wanting to write it from scratch. It is based off of the leaflet-choropleth plugin

import Choropleth from 'react-leaflet-choropleth'import { Map } from 'react-leaflet'const style = {    fillColor: '#F28F3B', //default color filll    weight: 2, //normal styling    opacity: 1,    color: 'white',    dashArray: '3',    fillOpacity: 0.5}const map = (geojson) => (  <Map>    <Choropleth      data={{type: 'FeatureCollection', features: geojson}  /*feature collection or array*/}      valueProperty={(feature) =>  /*value for choropleth*/}      visible={(feature) => !==        /*use choropleth color?*/}      scale={['#b3cde0', '#011f4b']                         /*color range*/}      steps={7                                              /*how many different colors to use?*/}      mode={'e'                                             /*use equadistance mode, others include kmeans and quantile*/}      style={style}      onEachFeature={(feature, layer) => layer.bindPopup(}      ref={(el) => this.choropleth = el.leafletElement      /*get the geojson's layer container*/}    />  </Map>)ReactDom.render(<map geojson={...} />, document.body)