React Native build failed: 'React/RCTBridge.h' file not found React Native build failed: 'React/RCTBridge.h' file not found reactjs reactjs

React Native build failed: 'React/RCTBridge.h' file not found

Follow the below steps. It's worked for me.

  1. Open terminal
  2. Go to the ios folder
  3. Quit Xcode
  4. run pod install
  5. Open .xcworkspace file.
  6. Clean (cmd+shift+k) and build (cmd+b) the project.

That's it. Happy Coding :)

Try this -

  • In Xcode, go to the project scheme (Product -> Scheme -> Manage Scheme -> double click your project).
  • Click on the 'Build' option at the left pane.
  • Uncheck 'Parallelize Build' under Build Options.
  • Then in Targets section, click '+' button then search for 'React'.Select it and click 'Add'.
  • 'React' should now appear under Targets section. Click and drag it tothe top so that it will be the first item in the list (before your project).
  • Clean the project and build.

For more options check the issue on RN repo -

As above post suggests.

To properly link @react-native-community/cameraroll if your app is using pods.

Instead of adding libRNCCameraroll.a add libreact-native-cameraroll.a to Build Phases -> Link Binary With Libraries