React non-blocking rendering of big chunks of data React non-blocking rendering of big chunks of data reactjs reactjs

React non-blocking rendering of big chunks of data

You can use requestIdleCallback to defer the render:

function DeferredRender({ children, idleTimeout }) {  const [render, setRender] = React.useState(false);  React.useEffect(() => {    if (render) setRender(false);    const id = requestIdleCallback(() => setRender(true), { timeout: idleTimeout });    return () => cancelIdleCallback(id);  }, [idleTimeout]);  if (!render) return null;  return children;}
<DeferredRender idleTimeout={1000}> <ExpensiveStuff /></DeferredRender>

React Concurrent Mode is solving the UI stall problem. You can watch some talks [1] [2] to understand how. This doesn't make your UI magically update faster, it only helps you make the UI not freeze while your UI updates.

Your two options are to either:

  1. update the state in chunks, as you said. If you chunk the work don't just do so based on time: you can't hard-code an optimal value based on time because people's computers perform differently. Instead either use the browser APIs like requestIdleCallback or look into the scheduler NPM library ( in order to do the work as aggressively as possible but in a scheduled manner that doesn't lead to browser hangs.
  2. or use a library to have a virtualized list, as another person already answered.

For a similar problem, I chunked my data and then serialized the processing with reduce and promises:

chunks.reduce( (previousPromise, nextChunk) => {  return previousPromise.then(processChunkAndUpdateComponentStateAsPromise(nextChunk));}, Promise.resolve());