React Player Thumbnail React Player Thumbnail reactjs reactjs

React Player Thumbnail

Use the light prop to supply an image URL to the player.

<ReactPlayer                                                     className="videoFrame" url={url} light="" playing controls/>

If you have an specific image that you want to be the thumbnail, you should set the image URL to light:

 <ReactPlayer                                                     url=''       light = ''       playing       controls/>

If you want to display the thumbnail of the video, you'll just have to set light to true:

<ReactPlayer                                                    url=''      light = {true}      playing      controls/>

Check the documentation of react-player on this link:

You need to capture first frame of video as image than save it and use. But this used when you are working with image processing. I am recommending following optionsPlease check here- use go through this link-